Breathing Games Dev Diary

Weekly game development updates.

Week 3: Field trip to CHLA

2020-02-14 CHLA Team

To become more familiar with the specific breathing protocol that is used by the children, this week the team took a little field trip to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. We met with 6 doctors. It turned out that the doctors thought our VR game was going to be designed around the diagnostics protocol which each patient has to first perform at the clinic before beginning their daily protocol. This was different from Dr. Vangelis’ expectation of our team designing the VR experience to focus on the daily protocol, so he took the time to clarify and make sure the CHLA doctors were all onboard with our team designing for the daily protocol instead.

Unfortunately, due to this miscommunication, we did not receive any documentation on the actual protocol as we were expecting. The doctors had promised to send a follow up with the protocol and also allow us to set up a time to come and be trained on how to perform the protocol. To this date we are still waiting for the follow up.

One a positive note we did manage to properly set up and receive data from the digital spirometer. Prototypes for each mini game have started to be built, and next we will try to get the project teams Save the Village game working with the digital spirometer.

– The CHLA Team

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