Breathing Games Dev Diary

Weekly game development updates.

Week 8: ZOOM is the new USC

2020-03-27 CHLA Team

Spring has sprung, and the break is done. Since our last post a lot has rapidly changed in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic rapidly spreading across the world. Zoom meetings are the new normal. USC has updated the requirement now for all courses to be switched to online for the remainder of the semester. The campus is now locked down for students and non-essential employees, Commencement has been cancelled and students living in on campus housing are not allowed to return from their spring break travels to pack and move out. What a mess!

This week we received instructor feedback on our midterm deliverables and sanitation docs detailing how the team will safely continue the Breathing Game development for the remainder of Spring 2020. Check it out:

Instructor midterm feedback

Our team sanitation doc

TLDR: We will be continuing the breathing game development remotely. Zoom + Trello + Git + Google Team Drive + WhatsApp is the hosposh of services holding our distributed development together. The team is needing to get one of our Oculus Go that was left in the lab during the break. Other than that our team is equipment to make meaningful progress in this new season of remote development and look forward to keeping you updated on the progress each week.

Next up…

The main tasks are to take the good parts of the feedback and polished the current games, begin prototyping our third mini-game, The Void, and build a start menu to gather all the breathing games together.

Keep healthy, happy and a good distance from your loved ones!

Game On ✌ – The CHLA Team

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