Breathing Games Dev Diary

Weekly game development updates.

Week 5: Pivots & Prototyping

2020-02-28 CHLA Team

This week the process of prototyping our new mini games is in full swing. After speaking with Professor Marientina & Dr. Vangelis our mini games have pivoted a bit to the following:

name description inhale exhale
Treasure Hunter You’re the wind slow down accelerate
Fruit Fall Knock fruit down from the trees collect a pebble blow pebble at fruit
Save the Village Be the enemy or the savior collect air/water spray fire/water

Building the scene

We found amazing low poly environments and items in the unity asset store to help us rapid prototype the new game scenes. Our team primarily works on building and testing the initial game scenes with keyboard input for now.

Next week…

Once the scenes are at a decent state we will look into integrating our most important feature, the Digital Spirometer, via the Unity Open Sound Control script. Stay tuned!

– The CHLA Team

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