Breathing Games Dev Diary

Weekly game development updates.

Week 4: Dev Environment Setup & Management Change

2020-02-21 CHLA Team

This week we lost our Production Manager. That being said, we have elected a new PM and are still full steam ahead!

For this posting, we are stepping back a bit to review the development environment setup for the breathing games. Without further ado…

Arduino Setup

  • Connect the M5StickC to your computer via the micro USB cable
  • Install and run the Arduino IDE from
  • In the Arduino IDE install the appropriate board manager and libraries ESP32 (Board Manager)
  • Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings
  • Copy this link for the ESP32 Board Manager URL to Additional Boards Manager URLs input field and click OK:
  • Go to Tools -> Board: -> Boards Manager…
  • Search for ESP32 and install it M5StickC (Library)
  • Go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries and search for M5StickC and install it OSC by Adrian Freed, Yotam Mann (Library)
  • Now Search for OSC and install it.
  • Go to Tools -> Board: and select M5Stick-C
  • Go to Tools -> Upload Speed and select 115200
  • Go to Tools -> Port and find and select the USB port your M5StickC is connected to, e.g. COM3.

WiFi network

If you want to develop at home, we found that you can use a local 2G wifi network. Otherwise use the usb wifi router provided by the professor. Just power on the wireless router via a micro USB cable and connect to the network. At the writing of this post these are the network deets:

  • Network name: SpirometerNet
  • Pass: CHLA2020
  • Router admin site:
  • Address:
  • User: admin
  • Pass: admin

Take note of your network IP address (e.g.,

Digital Spirometer

  • Download the digital spirometer files
  • In the Arduino IDE open the M5_Spirometer_2020.ino file
  • On ~line 44, const char * udpAddress = “”; change this to your IP address
  • Verify/Compile the code (click the round checkmark icon)
  • Now Upload the compiled code to the M5StickC (click the round arrow icon)
  • No errors? Then the digital spirometer is all set. Congrats!

Digital Spirometer OSC tool

  • Now run the Digital spirometer OSC tool.exe
  • Update the IP address to your IP and the port to 8000
  • If all is setup probably blowing into your attached mouth piece on the Digital Spirometer should produce a signal in the OSC tool.
  • Jump for joy! Pump your fist in victory! The sensor is working correctly!

Unity + Oculus

Just follow this great medium article:

» How to get started with Oculus Quest and Unity on macOS.

– The CHLA Team